Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Barn, Foundation part 1

Today was an exciting day! We officially broke ground on The Barn!  

After doing the tedious work of lining everything up and setting steaks for all of our footings, I was able to officially put a shovel into the ground to start digging for the first footer.  After about 2 hours of switching between two shovels and a power auger, I had successfully made a 2'x2'x32" hole in the ground for the first of 12 footers.  And after consulting an experienced home builder I know, it was a pretty hole... Maybe too nice.

I will walk you through the process, if you want. If not, the pictures are below.
  After getting everything as square as I could, I checked level and determined that I need to dig 10" deeper on the high side, in order to reach 22" on the low end and still have everything level.  After marking out the 2'x2 hole, I started with the 8" power auger in all 4 corners and in the center to loosen the clay. That made it much easier to dig with a shovel once a good portion of dirt was removed and some was loose.  Then it was a repetitious process until I reached depth.  Once the proper depth was reached, I made sure the hole was still 24"x24" and leveled the bottom a little. 

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